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Create Warm & Healthy Homes with GreenStuf® Pure Polyester Insulation

May 4, 2022

When building homes or retrofitting existing homes, insulation is a crucial element that needs thorough consideration. Inadequate amounts of insulation can result in an undesirably cold, damp and draughty home; which can then lead to wasted expenditure on energy as heat quickly escapes. It has been revealed that around 35% of the energy used in the average New Zealand household goes on heating the home. This is important when consider that the cost of electricity has significantly increased in the past decade.

To choose the best insulation for your next project – consider that facts!


Greenstuf healthy homea blog image

Warmer with GreenStuf:

Wide range – GreenStuf® has a wide range of insulation products at varying R-Values suitable for application in both residential and commercial environments in all NZ climate zones

High Performance – Is not affected by moisture, mould or mildew, and is naturally resistant to insect and vermin attack, and exceeds all requirements of the NZ Building Code.

Durable – GreenStuf® will not settle or reduce it’s performance over time and is backed by a 50 Year Product Durability Warranty.

Healthier with GreenStuf:

Safe to touch – GreenStuf® is 100% polyester (like a duvet) so there’s no nasty itching or scratching. It’s completely safe and does not require protective clothing for handling or install.

Fire Safe – GreenStuf® polyester insulation is non-flammable and meets all the relevant fire standards for NZBC compliance including downlights.

Safer indoor air quality – GreenStuf® does not contain any added chemicals such as formaldehyde based binders or fibres that can be breathed into your lungs.

Breathe Easier – GreenStuf® has been independently assessed by Asthma New Zealand and accepted into their Breathe Easy programme – as a product considered safer for New Zealanders living with Asthma.

Recycled content – GreenStuf® is manufactured using a minimum of 45% recycled PET Plastics, and also recyclable at the end of it’s life.

Ask our Autex professionals about GreenStuf® pure polyester insulation range and create warmer, heathier homes today! 0800 428 839 | www.autex.co.nz

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